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  1. Dr Cr Swap Mapping – This is an extremely useful feature when dealing with extensive list of GLs, allowing you to categorize them based on their balance (debit or credit). For example, if you need to separate accounts like trade receivables – advances or Bank and CC/OD accounts, this feature simplifies the process. As soon as you upload the TB, eMerge automatically maps Debit balance GLs to the asset side and Credit balance GLs to the liability side, thus saving your time and effort.
  • Summarized Groups – This feature automates the grouping of heads in financial statements. For instance, items like travelling expenses which maybe significant at the subsidiary level, are presented separately but can be combined with miscellaneous expenses at the consolidated level if deemed immaterial. With eMerge, you can set rules for grouping heads, saving time on manual regrouping entries at consolidated level.
  • Provision for Historical Rate – With this feature of eMerge, for foreign subsidiaries – you can designate specific GLs such as share capital or investments to be converted at a historical rate distinct from the average or closing rate, thus, providing flexibility in preparing Financial Statement of foreign subsidiaries.
  • Anomaly Report – This report that is generated from eMerge after the TB is uploaded and mapping is done, identifies mapping anomalies before generating the report. For example, if you have mapped credit balance GLs to a group which is debit by nature – like Inventories, the Anomaly report will list such instances for review.

Apply Mapping – eMerge’s Apply Mapping feature simplifies mapping across subsidiaries which have a common chart of accounts. A master entity is created with a comprehensive list of TB GLs and a standard mapping is done here. Then, using this apply mapping feature, the standard mapping can be applied to the other entities of the group, thus saving time and effort, especially for groups with a large number of subsidiaries.